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Friday, April 3, 2009

Legalizada la violación por el esposo en Afghanistan Legalizes Rape // Vergewaltigung durch den Ehemann wird legal in Afganistan


The U.N. warns that Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai has legalized rape.

posted by: Natasha G. 01.04.2009

Directed towards the Shia minority, the Shia Family Law allows for sexual intercourse between married couples without consent and requires a husband's permission for a woman to leave the home, work or pursue education. And in the event of divorce, the father or grandfather is granted custody of the children.

Shinkai Zahine Karokhail, a female MP who campaigned against the legislation, claims, "There are moderate views among the Shia, but unfortunately our MPs, the people who draft the laws, rely on extremists...It is one of the worst bills passed by the parliament this century."

Another female MP, Shukria Barakzai, argues that they did score some victories, such as raising the legal age of marriage for females from the proposed 9 years to 16 and removing provisions from temporary marriages.

Because Afghanistan's elections are coming up in August, it is believed that President Karzai signed the bill into law in order to please the Shia community and gain votes. Karokhail claims that the bill was rushed through parliament, with little debate.

Several weeks ago, at the 53rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, hosted by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Afghani women's rights activists spoke about the challenges facing women in Afghanistan. Despite the fall of the Taliban, they claim there is persistent gender inequality, which is only exacerbated by the fragile state of the wartorn nation.

From UNIFEM's website:

The Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations, Zahir Tanin, described how Afghanistan had in his youth been a peaceful and tolerant country, where the best traditions of east and west had merged. But the wars and violence of the past few decades had unsettled the dust of intolerance and ignorance.

Pointing to the Afghan constitution that declares equal rights and the duties of men and women, Mr. Tanin said there was indeed political will to improve the position of women, but that the increase in violence had meant that women were, as always, the first victims.

Tags in Care2:
rape, afghanistan, womens rights



Frauenrechte existieren seit April 2009 nahezu nicht mehr in Afghanistan, der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karzai hatte am 01.04.2009 ein Gesetz unterzeichnet, das Ehefrauen dazu zwingt jederzeit dem Mann gefügig zu sein. "Solange der Mann nicht auf Reisen ist, hat er jede vierte Nacht das Recht auf Geschlechtsverkehr mit seiner Frau", bestimmte Artikel 132 des neuen Gesetzes zur Regelung des Familienlebens unter den Schiiten in Afghanistan. Das Gesetz von Karzai trat ohne parlamentarische Debatte in Kraft. Der UN-Entwicklungsfonds für Frauen (UNIFEM) warf der Regierung vor, "die Vergewaltigung einer Frau durch ihren Ehemann sei nun legal"

Quelle: Wikipedia
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