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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tell President Jintao and China: Free Tibetan Filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen- The Petition at Care 2 in USA and Amnesty International in Germany.


"Little over two years ago, plainspoken businessman Dhondup Wangchen bought a small camera and began interviewing monks and yak herders for his documentary film Leaving Fear Behind. He bravely gave a voice to Tibetans living under China's rule. Sadly, after finishing the film, he was arrested and his own voice was silenced.

As a prisoner of the Chinese government, Wangchen:

* endured torture to extract a confession.
* contracted hepatitis B and is denied adequate treatment.
* had the lawyer he chose replaced with a government-appointed one--violating his right to choose his own counsel and denying him access to independent legal assistance.

Wangchen's arrest and sentence of 6 years in prison prove that the Chinese government will not allow Tibetans any expression that opposes Chinese rule. Tell the Chinese government to release Dhondup Wangchen and to uphold the right to freedom of expression and the right to a fair trial in future cases."

I have just signed. May be it will help to liberate him, may be not... but if we do not try the answer is going to be NO again and again.

Amnesty International in Germany writes this:

"Bitte schreiben Sie höflich formulierte Briefe an die Justizministerin und fordern Sie sie auf, Dhondup Wangchen umgehend und bedingungslos freizulassen. Dringen Sie darauf, dass eine gründliche und unparteiische Untersuchung der von Dhondup Wangchen erhobenen Foltervorwürfe durchgeführt wird und die Verantwortlichen vor Gericht gestellt werden.
Schreiben Sie in gutem Chinesisch, Englisch oder auf Deutsch an:

Minister of Justice Wu Aiying Buzhang Sifabu
10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie
Beijingshi 100020
(korrekte Anrede: Your Excellency)

Standardbrief Luftpost bis 20 g: € 1,70
Senden Sie bitte eine Kopie ihres Schreibens an:

Botschaft der Volksrepublik China
S.E. Herrn Wu Hongbo
Märkisches Ufer 54
10179 Berlin
Fax: 030-27588221

Foto von Amnesty International in Germany, site:

This link is long, I know: it was the only one it works properly as I have tried to go into the site after writing this Review (no idea why!).

You can find there the complete information about this issue but in Amnesty International here as well:

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