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Saturday, March 8, 2008

SOS Children's Villages - USA

SOS Children Villages is an international organization which works in many countries all over the world ( 132 countries and territories) since many years.
This organisation was founded in 1949 in response to the needs of the many children left orphaned and abandoned after World War II. The original concept is still working today, over 55 years later, to provide children who have lost their parents or who are no longer able to live with them a loving home and a stable environment in which they can thrive.
This family-based child care model is formed by four basic principles: mother, brothers and sisters, house and village.

Each child is given an SOS MOTHER. She is the child's primary caretaker and lives in a house together with the children that she is looking after. Together with them she organizes the family's daily life.
Girls and boys of differing ages grow up together in an SOS Children's Village family like BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Natural brothers and sisters are not separated.
Every family has a HOUSE of its own.The familiar atmosphere of a home of their own encourages bonding within the families to give the children a feeling of belonging and shelter.
AN SOS Children's VILLAGE has between ten and fifteen family houses. The village provides the background for an extended family community. This supplies the children with cultural roots and gives them a feeling of belonging. At the same time, village life is an important bridge to the local community.

They try to help during acute times of need, such as natural disasters or conflicts, by putting rapid emergency relief programs into action.

You can TAKE ACTION too, locally but also globally. That is your choice because there are many different ways to get involved in as for example:
to become a sponsor
to be volunteer
to make a donation
to shop online at
to send free ecard (generally fotos of the children who are beeing helped) or
to send Holiday Greeting Cards from SOS.

A little bit about the Greeting Cards show clearly how they work and who will be supported:

"The Greeting Cards are beautiful images drawn by SOS children
The inside of each card has the words "Peace on Earth" and the back contains a description of SOS Children's Villages along with the name, age, and village of the child.

To order, just call them at 1-888-SOS-4KIDS or email Kelly at Your box will arrive within 3-5 business days and 100% of proceeds go to help SOS Children's Villages."

So... what are you waiting for " to make a difference"? ;-)

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